
Welcome to Stric documentation

Stric is a Bun-first framework for building high-performance, scalable web applications.


  • Perfomance: Internally use Radx, an improved version of @medley/router with optimizations only for Bun. Stric also composes your final fetch handler to reduce unused code.

  • Scalability: Stric ensures high performance even under heavy workloads.

  • Minimal: The basic components like @stricjs/router and @stricjs/utils is under 50kB and use no external dependencies.

  • Customizable: Stric comes with a plugin system, dependencies injection and more optional optimizations for handling requests.


Stric is one of the fastest JS web frameworks. See the full benchmark here.

Quick Start

You need to have Bun installed to run Stric.

For Windows users, you can use WSL or WSL2 to install Bun.

# Linux, MacOS and WSL 
curl -fsSL | bash 

npm install -g bun

# Homebrew
brew tap oven-sh/bun
brew install bun

# Docker
docker pull oven/bun
docker run --rm --init --ulimit memlock=-1:-1 oven/bun

# Proto
proto install bun

Create a new project and install the router component.

# Create an empty Bun project
bun init

# Install @stricjs/router
bun add @stricjs/router

Let's write a simple hello world server.

import { Router } from '@stricjs/router';

export default new Router()
    .get('/', () => new Response('Hello world!')); 

Start the server using bun index.ts, open your browser and go to localhost:3000. You should see the server responds with Hi.

Just like that, you have created your first app with Stric 🎉.

Last updated